Yoo hoo! Calling all fans. Go to this website to find a theatre near you for "
The Race Across the Sky"! I'll see you all at the Stockton viewing.
Who wants to ride next year in the Leadville 100! I'm seriously thinking about it.
Look for training programs for the Leadville 100 Trail Ride for 2010 here soon.
Here are more links to the Leadville 100..just a click away.
Did you know that I used to live in Leadville? Some great training is to be had next year in preparation for the Ride/Race. (After the snow melts) Who knows the elevation of Leadville??? Did you know it's the hightest city in the United States?
Have you always wanted to go see the Tour? It's time to start making plans. Lets book it now! Dreams are thoughts in action....
Heres the link for the Tour news..
The Tour's official website has not yet posted the information in English.
Come on out and ride with me...
Coach Shelley