How are you my cycling friends? I have to apologize for the inactivity of the blog here. All this time I thought my blog was "inactive" while we were working on my website and the development of a different kind of blog. I certainly was not intentionally ignoring you! Please accept my apologies for the dust!
This last year has been crazy busy with on line coaching, personal training, bike coaching, camp developments, training programs for cyclists like you and creating local rides for our area!
Whew! It's been some year...but, I'm back now to answer your questions and put valuable training information here for you. Send me your ideas via posts here on the blog, or use my email at
So, whats happening around here? High Altitude Cycling Camps, that's what! I'm excited about offering these weekend camps for those of you who like to get some experience riding in the mountains at high altitude! Its truly the most beautiful place to ride AND its at least 10 degress cooler up in the mountains when the heat is raging in the valley.
We've got a 2-day camp this weekend to prepare riders for the Death Ride or any other cycling event that they are preparing for. It's going to be perfect riding weather for climbing Monitor Pass and Ebbetts Pass...don't you think?
In July, the 14th-17th we have an ALL Women's CycleFit Camp for beginners and intermediate riders! If you like getting together girls, with your friends AND your bike, come join us for a fabulous few days. You can come for a one day experience or all 3 days!
In August, there is a century ride and CycleFit Camp up in Bear Valley called the Ebbetts Pass Century, August 25-28th. So if the Death Ride is too much for you, this ride is perfect; it has the most beautiful passes and mountain climbs and won't kill you!
If any of these happenings intrigue you and you're dying to learn more, just visit my website at OR for all the summer adventures.
Well, I've got to go and pack up for the weekend cycling fun, so be well, ride on, ride strong and ride safe....Until next time!
(it wont be a year, I promise!!!)
Coach Shelley