Thursday, April 22, 2010

Val du Vino Wine Bike Experience

There’s no better way to tour the vineyards near the charming town of Murphys, CA than from the seat of a bicycle. Join us for our first “randonnee adventure” thru scenic country roads, stopping along the way, meeting the winery owners and winemakers and taking in the beautiful landscape of the area. Your “Val du Vino” winery experience will invite you to relax, refresh, and unwind in their tasting room sipping a variety of their exquisite wines following our bike ride. A table will be set for you on their “crush’ pad, and lunch, “A touch of the Orient” will be prepared by Val du Vino owner and Chef, Jeannine Hebel. It’s more than just another bike ride! Register now, space is limited!

Cost is $129 per person. If you have someone who won’t be riding with you but wants to join us for a Vineyard Lunch and wine tasting, no problem. (Cost varies per tour. $25.00 -$40.00) Local accommodations and bike rentals are available.
For more information and to register go to “Adventures” or call Shelley at (209) 890-6244 or email

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Time: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Location: Murphys, CA

Lactate Threshold, Body Fat and Vo2 Testing & Amer River Ride!

Ha! It may turn into a pep rally with the tests we will do! If you want to find out your lactate threshold so you can set up effective training zones using heart rate this is a perfect time to do it. A few of us will be going to Sac to the sports lab for a variety of different tests and bike fits and then take a spin on the American River trail and even grab some dinner.

Tests range from $125 on up. If you want to learn how to get more out of each training session you do, its a great idea to get some of these numbers to work with. They include a body comp test with each paid test as well.
Here's the link to their website so you can check it out and see if you are interested. Come on out and enjoy the day!



Friday, April 16, 2010

The Best Time To Exercise

This is a good article and so true. I've always found for me that working out in the afternoon was when I preformed the best. This has been true for the 25 years that I have been training. If you can listen to your body and discover your own circadian rhythms you just might find that your performance improves and that you simply just feel better when working out!
Carpe Diem,
Coach Shelley

The Best Time to Exercise
15 April 2010

This article was originally published in the American Council on Exercise’s (ACE’s) Get Fit blog. Visit the American Council on Exercise for free health and fitness information, and read on for an excerpt from the article below.

Contrary to popular belief, women aren’t the only ones with biological clocks. Everyone has them, and we all heed their ticking on a daily basis.

If you are a regular exerciser, you may have already determined your most productive time to exercise and follow a routine that works best for you.

On the other hand, if your exercise time varies from day to day, and it’s wearing you out instead of pumping you up, you may be interested in the work of scientists who are studying the proverbial internal clock and how to best determine what time of day you should schedule your workouts.

Rhythm: It’s Not Just for Dancing
The secret appears to lie in circadian rhythms, the daily cycles that the human body follows. These rhythms originate in the hypothalamus and regulate everything from body temperature and metabolism to blood pressure.
The rhythms result from the firing rate of neurons. They have conformed to the 24-hour light-to-dark cycle, and may be regulated and re-regulated each day according to the environment.

Warm Is Better
It is the influence of circadian rhythms on body temperature that seems to yield the most control over the quality of a workout. When body temperature is at its highest, your workouts will likely be more productive; when your temperature is low, chances are your exercise session may be less than optimal.

Body temperature is at its lowest about one to three hours before most of us wake up in the morning, in contrast to late afternoon when body temperature reaches its peak. (To determine your own circadian peak, refer to the box to the right.)

Studies have consistently shown that exercise during these late-in-the-day hours produces better performance and more power. Muscles are warm and more flexible, perceived exertion is low, reaction time is quicker, strength is at its peak and resting heart rate and blood pressure are low.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Looking for a Ride??

Here is the link to the Western States Calendar that has just about every ride out there!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Adventures in "Fun-damentals" A Bike Handling Skills Clinic


Saturday, April 10th 9:00AM - 1:00 PM (Includes FREE lunch!)
Tell your friends and receive $10 off your clinic registration!

This clinic is held in COPPEROPOLIS- a small place, tucked away in the foothills of the California Alps! Scenic country that cyclists love! The clinic is for beginners to intermediate cyclists OR for the rider who would like to take a refresher course to gain more confidence and skills riding a bike. Weather your goal is a century ride or your first time doing a 30 mile event,you’ll learn just what you need to ride successfully!

We’ll cover bike safety, correct body positioning, bike balance and practice fundamental skills such as shifting, braking, gearing, smart pedaling, starting, stopping, turning and cornering to allow you to get a better feel for your bike so you can be more confident in riding.

You’ll learn a variety of skills and techniques to allow you to be safer, more efficient and comfortable on the bike, all in 4 hours!

"It has been a wonderful experience making new friends that share the same interest and desire of improving in an activity we love. This has been the best 'jump-start' for my cycling season over previous years of lackluster performance and results." John W.

You can improve your ability NOW to be in control on your bike and gain self-confidence for more comfortable riding.

Join us in a friendly, non-competitive environment where your biking potential will soar to new heights!

TO REGISTER and find out more details CALL COACH SHELLEY
AT 209-890-6244 or 530-864-7891 or go to and register
Clinic Fee: $65.00-Sign up by April 1st and save $10! Only $55!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wildflower Century Skills and Strategy Instructional Clinic


Saturday, March 13th
(4 hours of intense fun - includes lunch!)
Chico, CA

Attend this training session and get the confidence and tools you need to finish “The Wildflower” strong - 30, 60 or 100-mile course!

You’ll Learn:
· Effective gearing for the Wildflower’s varied terrain
· Climbing techniques for strength and endurance on the hills
· Pacing, cadence and smart pedaling skills for your best ride yet
· Pace Line strategies, “wheel sucking” (ha!) and safe “pack” riding skills
· Bonus Material! Pre and post ride nutrition secrets and tips for fueling and hydration during ride

TO REGISTER CALL COACH SHELLEY AT 530-864-7891 or 209-890-6244
CLINIC FEE: $65.00-Register before March 1 & Save $10! **