Friday, June 27, 2008

A Reason to Ride-Won't You Join Me?

This week I have found another reason to ride. Heres the story...many of us do not need a reason to ride..we ride because we can, because it makes us feel invinceable. It's a reason to get outdoors and go somewhere where your spirit can be free; where you can hear the silence of nature's cry. It's a place where we can challenge ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically and even spiritually. We can commune with God, talk to the animals, smell the fresh pine needles in the forests floor, chat with our friends, push ourselves physically beyond where we've been before..and then do it all again the next day.

So, back to my new reason to ride? I've committed to riding in the Amgen Classic California Tour for the Arthritis Foundation this Sept for 7 days! It's been too many years since I have done "a ride across somewhere" and now its time. The kids are older, my husband is agreeable, and it's actually possible to take off from my "mom" responsibilities for a few days and know that all shall not be lost at home!

Why did I just commit to raise thousands of dollars and ride over 500 miles in one week? Because I can. Because I live for challenges, for the spirit and adventure of life; what better way to raise awareness and money for a worthy cause? And yes, there are many worthy causes. As I was contemplating doing this ride, I thought about my dear brother Steven who died of cancer at the young age of 31..Should I do a ride for cancer? Yes! But I'll make that my NEXT ride!

I say, sieze the moment, lets ride! ..lets be kind, grateful, conscientious. Let's all share the road and experience the "joie de vivre", love of life spirit and let it be a cause for celebration! Won't you join me? You can help me achieve my goal by making a donation to the Arthritis Foundation using the link to the right on this page.
Thank YOU!
Carpe Diem!
Coach Shelley

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