Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Training for Copperopolis Holiday Run Begins!

Hello Walkers, Runners & Dreamers!
The Copper Holiday Run is closer than you think! November 28th is coming up and there will be a 2 mile walk/run and a 10k (6.2 miles)

and come work out with us!

1st Training Session
This Saturday, Sept 12th!!

If you have always wanted to participate in an event like this, now is the time to do it.

Coach Shelley will train you to get fit, faster, lose weight and feel more energy in your day!

You DO NOT have to be a runner to join us! Beginners are welcome.

Get out your walking/running shoes,
put them on your feet and join us
for 11 weeks of training
(or however many you can make).

There will be 22 training sessions over the next 11 weeks so you can actively walk or run this event successfully and actually have fun doing it!

Training Sessions with Coach Shelley

When: 1st Session this Saturday, Sept 12th

Where: Meet at Copper Town Square on grass near gazebo
(Future training dates TBD but prolly
Tuesday/Thursday evenings at 5:30 pm
and some Saturday mornings)

Time: Meet promptly with eyes open at 8:00 am - Done at 9:00 am

Cost: $99.00 for all 22 sessions,
or $5.00 fee per session
PLEASE contact Shelley NOW to register in advance for any or all sessions.
email: getonyourmark@gmail.com
Cell: (209) 890-6244

Wishing you a healthy, happy heart!...See you out there!

Coach Shelley