Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dressing for Winter Cycling

Here is a current article in Voler email news..simply copy and paste the link..

Stay warm and get out and ride!
Coach Shelley

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Faster Recovery

Repair and Build Muscles With Faster Recovery TRY "PHYSIQUE"

In the last decade, significant research has been published relative to protein supplementation, recovery from exercise, and muscle development. Shaklee’s clinical research demonstrated that a protein-carbohydrate complex consumed immediately after exercise enhanced recovery from exercise when compared to consuming carbohydrate alone. More recent work has shown significantly greater gains in muscle mass and strength when protein is ingested immediately following resistance exercise.

It's important to supplement after a hard ride to rid your body of the free radicals from training. It's also important to address your immune system to replenish those nutrients that have been depleted or exhausted. Far too many athletes don't recover properly and continue to have poor training days and or performances, and even worse, get sick. Many of you have heard me talk about that "window of opportunity" that exists immediately post workout-the 30 minute window is the time when the athlete needs to take advantage of re-fueling muscles. If you take advantage of this window your body will adapt to the training by storing more and more glycogen...your premium fuel in the muscles.

The most important ingredients to include in recovery nutrition are protein and carbohydrates. The best ratio is a 3-1 or 4-1 of carb to protein. I recommend a recovery drink immediately post exercise; one that includes this ratio along with chromium as an ingredient. With Chromium, glycogen synthesis can be improved by as much as 300% vs. no supplementation at all. That's huge!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Great Exercise for Cycling Power!

Good Morning Cyclists,

Check out this link below for proper instruction of a strong Kettle Bell Exercise that will help you develop your core flexibility and strength, as well as leg and hip strength and power. Begin with a lighter weight and as you get stronger you can increase that dumbbell or kettle bell weight!

Build your body into a more balanced cyclist by doing core and functional fitness exercises in the off season! You'll be amazed at the difference in your cycling performance, and body mechanics on the bike come spring!

Happy Training!
Coach Shelley

Powerful Kettle Bell Exercise for Cyclists

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hi Fans of Cycling!

It sure is getting on the chilly side out there and now comes the season where the "die hards" get dressed for cold weather and ride, while the "smart ones" ha ha revert to cycling indoors!

As for me, I love to ride outdoors. BUT, if you can do both during the off season, you'll get blessed with all the benefits of continued riding, which also means, no lost bike fitness over the winter.

For those of us who love cycling soooooo much that we can't think about NOT getting on our bikes outside,this beautiful autumnal season offers us so much beauty in the gorgeous outdoors. We experience and see things on the bike that we never would on four wheels.....The changing leaves on all the trees, those colors that capture the beauty of autumn, it just makes me feel so alive and grateful for all the beauty that surrounds me. All the different smells of the season, camp fires, wood burning stoves, leaves burning, home cooking, all fill my senses as I ride along the rolling terrain, taking in the views, smiling and even talking to the cows and horses! The warmth of the sun on my face as I'm pedaling thru the countryside helps me appreciate another day on the rain, sleet or cold quite yet!

Riding is happiness, my muscles sing because they are being trained, my body sings as it sweats, my eyes open to the vibrant rush of colors, objects, and nature and my nose awakens to a thousand scents, unknown to the indoors.

A dream state overcomes my thoughts just for a minute, ahhhhh....opps! a pot hole!
Better to not dream for too long on the bike....

AWAKEN! Grab your bike..its time for another ride today....and so it is...

Blessings to your day,
Coach Shelley

Thursday, November 3, 2011

2012 Amgen Tour of California Comes to Our Town!

The Amgen Tour of California, 2012 has just announced that it will be coming thru our local town of Sonora! We are so excited to be one of the host cities! If you have never visited here, you won't want to miss the race OR riding in our town! It's one of the most beautiful times of year here in the Mother Lode, with great weather, rolling hills blanketed with wildflowers and greenery everywhere you look! CYCLEFIT ADVENTURES will be offering an opportunity for YOU to ride on the same course as the pros before they arrive here! Stay tuned for details!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Climbing Can Be Easy

Hill climbing is perhaps the most challenging overall skill to master for cyclists. Why? Because most cyclists simply avoid the hills! Ha! Right? I hear them tell me that they really don't like climbing because they are slow or afraid they'll keep everyone else waiting for them, or or or...I too had all those excuses once.

But what I found was, IF I kept working on my climbing and descending skills, AND continued to ride up those hills that I would soon improve, and increase my speed and power to climb easier. You too can improve your confidence and skills and actually begin to enjoy riding those long, intimidating climbs. Here are a few tips to help you tackle that next challenge with a bit more ease....Give them a try and see for yourself if you aren't just a little better than Joe, next time....
Good luck and happy climbing!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. This is certainly an appropriate mantra when you are practicing hill repeats or working on getting to the top of that long mountain climb. So, here's a few things you can do to improve your climbing skills.

Try incorporating Climbing Repeats into your weekly workouts twice per week. These exercises will work on improving your sustained climbing power. Find a climb that's about 10 minutes long. Beginners should do two 6-8 minute intervals with an intensity of 7-8 on a scale of 10. Conversation will be limited at best when doing these intervals.
Intermediate riders can try three 8-10 minute intervals and advanced riders can do three 12-15 minute intervals.
RBI (rest between intervals) can be 10-15 minutes of easy spinning before you begin again.
Cadence should be high- i.e. a hill 10% grade or less, keep cadence between 75-85 rpms; anything over 10% will be more in the range of 50-60 rpms

You will also want to consider fine tuning your shifting, gearing, cadence, pedal stroke, and body position for most efficient climbing technique.

Ride On, Ride Safe, Ride Strong and let me know how it goes!
Coach Shelley

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Muscle Recovery After Hard Rides

One important ingredient necessary to aid in muscle retention/recovery or building is a broad-spectrum natural protein supplement that will provide the body with the needed building blocks to increase strength and muscle size without risking an excessive amount of any single amino acid. Nutritional experts prefer complete protein supplements, which supply all of the essential amino acids in concentrated form.

Shaklee’s Muscle “Strength and Recovery” drink was specifically designed as a Sports Nutrition Product to maximize training efforts.
· It is a healthy, drug-free way to build lean muscle mass
· It helps you to recover more quickly from a workout
· It is designed to stimulate your own natural, anabolic muscle-building/retention process
· It gives a faster energy return, so you can maintain a more strenuous workout
· If you are working hard for body building or strength, it creates OPTIMAL conditions for maximum muscle mass and strength development.
Even though this phenomenal product was designed for athletes, it is useful to anyone who has a desire to maintain excellent muscle strength, mass and tone (see end notes on the benefits to senior citizens).

To better understand the product, let’s review how muscle strength and mass are formed.
· When you work a muscle hard, you actually break down muscle tissue. This is called a “catabolic state”.
· The muscle then rebuilds itself larger and stronger than it was before. This building stage is called the “anabolic state”.
· After a workout your body needs to rebuild and restore energy to torn-down, exhausted muscles. With the right nutrition at the right time you can help accelerate and maximize this process.
· Research shows that what an athlete consumes AFTER A WORKOUT may be as important to muscle building as the workout itself.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to move the anabolic, or building and recovering stage of muscle into high gear without the use of steroids or other drugs (that have unpleasant short-term and dangerous long-term effects). That is exactly what Shaklee Physique does. Taking Physique immediately after a workout and then 2 hours later helps athletes of all skill levels and anyone who requires muscle repair to experience recovery, muscle gain, and restored muscle energy.

If you'd like to order this product go to and select Nutrition

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tips for The Time Crunched Athlete

It's been an incredibly busy 2 weeks around here. Last weekend was our California Alps Training Camp for those entering the upcoming Death Ride. We rode for two days strong, totaling over 10,000 feet of climbing and over 100 miles in the mountains.
After that, I took an extra day just to enjoy the mountains up in Bear Valley, then back to work as usual training and coaching clients, getting them ready for their next events. Summer time is busy for us all with training, family events and parties, work schedules, vacations and the like.

So when you are feeling overwhelmed and can't seem to fit your training sessions into your busy day, try this. Tell yourself that you'll go out just for a quick 20 minute ride, get on your bike and do it! Once you are out there, the likelihood of your ride becoming longer is much better than not getting out there at all!

Weekend Reading Link

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hello Again!!! Its' been too long!

How are you my cycling friends? I have to apologize for the inactivity of the blog here. All this time I thought my blog was "inactive" while we were working on my website and the development of a different kind of blog. I certainly was not intentionally ignoring you! Please accept my apologies for the dust!

This last year has been crazy busy with on line coaching, personal training, bike coaching, camp developments, training programs for cyclists like you and creating local rides for our area!

Whew! It's been some year...but, I'm back now to answer your questions and put valuable training information here for you. Send me your ideas via posts here on the blog, or use my email at

So, whats happening around here? High Altitude Cycling Camps, that's what! I'm excited about offering these weekend camps for those of you who like to get some experience riding in the mountains at high altitude! Its truly the most beautiful place to ride AND its at least 10 degress cooler up in the mountains when the heat is raging in the valley.

We've got a 2-day camp this weekend to prepare riders for the Death Ride or any other cycling event that they are preparing for. It's going to be perfect riding weather for climbing Monitor Pass and Ebbetts Pass...don't you think?

In July, the 14th-17th we have an ALL Women's CycleFit Camp for beginners and intermediate riders! If you like getting together girls, with your friends AND your bike, come join us for a fabulous few days. You can come for a one day experience or all 3 days!

In August, there is a century ride and CycleFit Camp up in Bear Valley called the Ebbetts Pass Century, August 25-28th. So if the Death Ride is too much for you, this ride is perfect; it has the most beautiful passes and mountain climbs and won't kill you!

If any of these happenings intrigue you and you're dying to learn more, just visit my website at OR for all the summer adventures.

Well, I've got to go and pack up for the weekend cycling fun, so be well, ride on, ride strong and ride safe....Until next time!
(it wont be a year, I promise!!!)

Coach Shelley