Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's a New Year for New Adventures!

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! This is going to be quite a year of adventure and fun and we invite you to join us! Whether its biking with our community friends, attending our High Sierra Camps and Clinics or working out with Shelley as your PT and Coach - we'll be having a blast and want you to come out and play! If you simply want social fun with our 180 "Loose It" Club to reach your body goals with others you can do that too! We are working on bringing you weekly blog updates and revamping my website at to bring you a new fresh and exciting look. We want you to interact with us and tell us what you think, what you like, and what you want! There will be instructional videos about cycling and fitness, recipes for healthy eating, motivation for you when you need it, pictures from all your activity with us and a Coaches Corner for you to ask your questions. In order for us to hear you, we invite you to subscribe to our blog by entering your email address at the top of the blog and hit submit. You'll be tuned in to the latest news and get great promotional stuff! I hope that this New Year - 2014 will bring you a renewed commitment to improving yourself, creating excitement, happiness, adventure, love and fun! Do what you like and like what you do! I hope to hear from you very soon! Coach Shelley and the CycleFit Staff