Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Super Foods for Power

Super Foods for Power NUTRITION IDEAS FROM COACH SHELLEY Your Health is determined by Nutrients + Calories = Poor Health or Great Health People who eat fewer calories live longer, reduce free radical activity , and reduce toxins in their cells. When you eat organic, green, foods and grass fed beef, rich in macronutrients, you don’t have to eat a lot of food. Choose to protect yourself now and don’t wait until disease sets in. Life becomes more pleasurable with good health! ADD THESE FOODS TO YOUR DAILY DIET Cruciferous vegetables -They reduce risk of cancer Kale Bok Choy Broccoli Mushrooms Beets Radishes SUPERFOODS - aka “G- bombs” Greens, greens and more greens Beans-peas- lentils They prevent tumors and colon cancer and help with weight loss (lots of good fiber) Onions- Reduce cancers Mushrooms- They stick to cells so they help fight cancers by inhibiting new blood vessel growth- thus starving cancer growth Berries- Powerful anti-cancer properties Seeds- flax and chia seeds Eat Each Day 1/2 c of beans per day 3 fresh fruits (watch sugar content; berries are best) 1 oz of raw nuts and seeds 1 large salad every day 1 large serving of steamed vegetables Mushrooms 1/2 c of onions

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