Friday, July 31, 2009

Free Webinars from USA Cycling

If your'e a member of USA Cycling, you might want to join us for these webinars.
Ride On, Ride Strong,
Coach Shelley

PS A new article by Coach Shelley being released in next week. Sign up for their weekly emails for discounts on cycling clothing and helpful training articles!

Webinars are on my mind. Two new ones are scheduled for August. One is on cyclocross with Marc Gullickson(It is free) and will cover opportunities for cyclocross racing in Europe among other topics.

The other webinar will be on body composition. The webinar will cover assessment methods with the pros and cons of each. In addition, a section will be devoted to other issues like when not to do a body comp -- Webinars
USA Cycling Cyclocross Update (FREE)August 24, 20094:00 to

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